Texas — Today, the Texas College Democrats announced that it has endorsed three candidates for statewide office. The Federation is proud to endorse Beto O'Rourke for governor, Rochelle Garza for attorney general, and Luke Warford for Texas railroad commissioner.

Beto, the former U.S. Representative for El Paso, ran an energizing campaign for U.S. Senate in 2018 that proved Democrats can win in Texas when we lead with our values. As governor, we know that Beto will work to chart a new course for Texas — one that brings out the best in our state, not the worst.
Visit BetoORourke.com to learn more about Beto and donate to his campaign.

Throughout her career, Rochelle has stood up and spoken out for the most vulnerable. As a lawyer, she has truly embodied the words for the people, representing children, immigrants, and families. She has fought back — and won — against Ken Paxton, and against the dangerous policies Republicans have worked to enact, particularly against access to reproductive healthcare. At this critical time, Texans need an attorney general who will represent them with dignity, honesty, and transparency.
Visit RochelleGarzaForTexas.com to learn more about Rochelle and donate to her campaign.

As Republicans continue to deny the existential threat of climate change, the Texas Railroad Commission requires leadership that understands what's at stake — Luke is that leader. He knows that Texans cannot afford another power grid failure, and that it's time for our state to lead in energy innovation and technologies.
Visit LukeWarford.com to learn more about Luke and donate to his campaign.
Beto, Rochelle, and Luke embody the best in our state, and understand the need for Texas to look ahead, not behind. Texans deserve better than the likes of Greg Abbott and Ken Paxton, and we have the opportunity in 2022 to ensure we elect better.
Press Contacts
J.J. Martinez
(915) 490-1646
Johnny Ruffier
Director of Political Affairs
(915) 345-6888